
Moringa oleifera (Moringa), also known as the “drumstick tree,” is a multi-purpose herbal plant identified by researchers for its numerous nutritional and medical purposes. Originating from the hills of the Himalayas, Moringa has been used for centuries throughout Africa and Asia for a wide-range of medical purposes. In tribal India, kings and queens used Moringa to improve their alertness, maintain healthy skin, and relieve pain and stress during war. Other traditional uses of Moringa included healing skin infections, anxiety, asthma, wounds, fever, diarrhea, and sore throats. Modern research has found that Moringa contains pharmacological mechanisms that can prevent and treat chronic diseases, demonstrating the potential for Moringa for all individuals*.
While all aspects of the Moringa tree can be used, consumption of the leaves and pods (which include the seeds) remain popular among the Indian and Phillipino culture. Traditionally used to treat the common cold, cough, and various types of skin infections, Moringa leaves today are found to also contain strong antioxidant activity and can reduce the risk of cancer and control blood glucose. For consumption, fresh leaves can be strained to make teas, added into smoothies and salads, or eaten raw. With a mild nutty taste, Moringa leaves are an easy and healthy way to add necessary vitamins and minerals into any type of diet. Beyond the many benefits of Moringa leaves, Moringa Pods have various nutritional benefits due to a high protein and lipid content. Typically skinned and boiled, Moringa pods can be added into soups or eaten alone.

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