What are Meyer Lemons

Distinguished by their unique sweetness, slight orange color, and small size, Meyer lemons are the result of a lemon-mandarin cross. As a result, Meyer lemons deliver a pleasant citrus flavor without much acidity, making them perfect for almost everything.

Meyer lemons

Appearance –  Meyer lemons are smaller and more round than regular lemons, with smoother, thin, deep yellow to orange skin, and dark yellow pulp.

Taste – While they’re moderately acidic, Meyer lemons don’t have the same tang as regular lemons. Instead, they’re much sweeter — so much so that some people enjoy adding the raw segments to their salads or desserts.

Vs. Regular Lemons

Appearance – Compared to their Meyer counterparts, regular lemons are noticeably larger in size, with thick, textured, bright, sunny skin, and medium yellow pulp.

Taste – There’s a reason most of us don’t eat them out of hand — regular lemons are highly acidic. They’re moderately sweet, but known for a tang that will make your mouth pucker.

Benefits of Lemons

Meyer lemons are a good source of antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolic compounds. These compounds help reduce the amount of free radicals in cells, delaying cell damage. As a result, a diet that includes foods rich in antioxidants, such as Meyer lemons, is a necessary component of maintaining healthy lifestyles.

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